Free initial assessment 

You are an entrepreneur, freelancer, self-employed or private person and have a legal problem? Contact our lawyers without obligation and get a free initial assessment of your case. We will get back to you immediately.

Just enter your name, an e-mail address (for the reply) and your question in the contact form or call us without obligation. We will get back to you as soon as possible. The initial assessment is free of charge. We will only use your data to process your request. You can find out more about data protection in our privacy policy. 


    Our own claim is to provide excellent advice and the best possible result for our clients. In order to meet this claim, the focus on selected fields of activity is indispensable. Today, the law is more complex than ever. We cannot do everything and therefore we do not do everything. The activities of our lawyers are focused on IT law with selected areas of media and copyright law, as well as data protection, trademark law and industrial property rights. We feel at home in these fields and we believe it shows.


    STÄMMLER RECHTSANWÄLTE focuses on digital business law. In doing so, we deal with issues of creative industries, information technology (IT) and eCommerce, data protection, intellectual property and intellectual property law on a daily basis. Our clients are creative professionals, photographers, startups, technology and software companies, freelancers, agencies, influencers, store operators and private individuals.

    … without tunnel vision

    We believe that professional advice is more than just reproducing legal facts. For us, thinking outside the box is not an exotic adventure, but a prerequisite on the way to the best possible result for our clients. In doing so, we work closely with other lawyers, the tax firm Ronald Enke and Landgraf Datenschutz, among others.

    We advise throughout Germany with offices in Jena and Erfurt.

    You are not sure whether your concern fits into our field of activity? Please contact us.